Retail Locations
Curious where you can purchase books at a retail location? Check the list below for a store near you!
- Serendipity Road - Midland, Michigan
- Joyful Tantrum - Midland, Michigan
- Zender's Marketplace Gift Shop - Frankenmuth, Michigan
- Dow Gardens Gift Shop - Midland, Michigan
- Baynes Apple Valley - Freeland, Michigan
- Super Cute Decor - Freeland, Michigan
- My Secret Garden - Bay City, Michigan
- Horizons Book Store - Traverse City, Michigan
- ZMC Pharmacy - Royal Oak, Michigan
- Ficus & Fig - Minneapolis, Minnesota
- MidMichigan Medical Gift Shop - Midland, Michigan
- The Michigan Shoppe - Frankenmuth, Michigan
Listen To Our Song On Spotify
This song goes along with our book Santa's Looking For His Hat. The story is a fun journey with Santa to find his hat, only to find out what Mrs. Claus knew the whole time......"Santa, the hat is on your head!" Play the song and flip the pages. Enjoy!
Check Out Our Music Video
In this video experience the charm of Mike McMath's Christmas hit song Santa's Looking For His Hat along with the beautiful paintings that brought it to life. Join Santa on his quest for his missing hat, accompanied by whimsical imagery and heartwarming melodies. Dive into the holiday spirit with this enchanting blend of music and art!